Networking and Network Marketing..
Are they two distinct subjects?
Or, do they blend together in a mutually
beneficial circumstance?
These ideas struck me while driving home from a Horse Show Announcing gig yesterday and had the pleasure of talking to someone (Hands-free Car system) I had met several years ago and enjoyed mutually beneficial business relations.. We chatted for a while and caught up on what’s happening.
Then, remembering his real expertise in the Construction business, I started to mention an opportunity I had heard about recently from another acquaintance from another past business dealing. I began describing the opportunity and directed the conversation that this might be something that would fit into his current business briefcase. The conversation was exciting and we decided to get back with each other and I could share more detail though e-mail by pointing him to published data and websites etc.
When I arrived home, I immediately called the C.O.O. of the Company discussed and asked if they were still in the market for a representative in that part of the country……
The outcome seems to be developing into a mutually beneficial relationship with the two people, each of whom had a “problem” and I provided a possible solution.
The key element exhibited here was over the years I had developed favorable relationships with the parties and stayed in touch so there initial conversations went well because of the common bond of ME.
Does that make me special?
Just shows how a Networker NETWORKS.
By the way, there is a comfortable “finders fee” involved, and the opportunity to offer expertise to the help develop the NEW relationship.
Over the past 50 years it has not been uncommon to receive 10% of sales, a percentage of future business etc from putting people together…..
BUT what is odd, that is NOT the motivation for developing solid relationships with like-minded people. It is just a belief that helping others and yourself at the same time is Fun and Rewarding lifestyle
The Network Marketing Arena seems
to be a bit different
The proponents of the Network Marketing System promote the need to develop relationships, but in my estimation, do not encourage or show the HOW TO develop that presence of being Known, Liked, and Trusted within the market area (be a Networker)
A good friend Lindy Asimus just posted a unique article addressing that relationship building need with a provocative Twist!
Who Loves Ya, Baby?
She emphasizes the need to truly develop solid relationships.
How does one capitalize on the skill set of Networking when they are involved in Network Marketing?
That takes some planning and execution of skills that we all posses, but may need enhancing.
Personally I feel two of the skills are the ability to Listen Effectively and being Sincere. We will discussing these two skills in later posts, but for now you will enjoy our new book Active Listening. A copy is yours with the only string attached of being Pay with a Tweet.